Heather with Troy Brown


Leaving for Vermont

We are working on a few projects here around the house. One of the projects is painting the front steps. I also added painting the front doors to the list. We have painted the doors a wonderful color of green. When the sun ever decides to come out again I will get a picture and add it here.

How does that relate to massage? It has nothing to do with massage at all. I just wanted to let you know what it is that I have been doing in between the raindrops.

I am getting ready to leave for Vermont tomorrow morning. I am quite excited about the trip. I am looking forward to connecting with my family there, and some good friends.

Have a great weekend!! See you later!


Have you ever?

Have you ever wondered why you might have fallen into something really great? I ask that from time to time and most recently I asked it about my Usana business. Once I asked that question I figured it out today. Here is why: http://www.forbes.com/200best/

I am so excited about what I do for a living. Can you just imagine what it is like to help someone improve their health then help them find that they can start a business and help others. Then when you look at the company that is supporting our efforts. How can you beat that one? Usana is such an incredible company to work with. I am so glad that I waited to find the best.

If you would like more information about Usana, my massage practice or anything related. Please feel free to contact me at this site.

Have a terrific week.


Contest for October

Wow, what a great afternoon we had the sun peaked out and gave us a show. How nice it was to see the sun after an entire week of no sun at all. That was a great way to cap off a great weekend already.

By now you all should have a copy of my newsletter. I wanted to say thank you for taking the time to read it. The information is not junk at all and some times you just never know what you might get from it. I am also getting a lot of comments about my newsletter. Thanks everyone for your support.

The first winner (not the last) of an extra half hour massage is Marsha Lawson. Would you like to pay the half hour price for a full hour massage? If so answer my trivia question. If you are correct you will get that as a gift from me. Bye for now. Have a great week.


My contest for the month of October 2005!

I am sitting here it is raining again. When hasn't it rained in the last week. I am listening to the cold raindrops hit the window and they are quite noisy. The cat is torn between sitting here with me or going to the living room to sit with Mitch. She has been back and forth a number of times. She can't decide what to do.

I have been thinking about my contest for my newsletter this month. I have been pondering what it is that I am going to offer to the folks that return an e-mail back to me after they answer the question. So here it it. There is a picture on my blog of Thurl Bailey and myself. Here is the question. Please tell me if you know what college team and professional team he played for? I will give you a hint they did win the college National Championship.

If you answer that question. Send me an e-mail with your response. I will give all the people that get the answer correct a free half hour session when they book an hour session with me at River Bend Therapeutic Massage. So send in your answers. Winners will be announced here on the blog.

Have a good weekend. I look forward to getting a lot of responses to this question.


Thurl Bailey and Heather

Thurl Bailey and Heather
Originally uploaded by hgheather.
I wanted to write a bit about this picture. It was taken in Sept 2005. Since I am a massage therapist hands are a very important feature of my work. You can see that Thurl's hands are so much bigger than mine. Thurl Bailey is an incredible motivational speaker. Thanks Thurl for being a good sport and putting up with my silly request.