What an amazing day we had at convention today. I can't begin to describe all the things that we did. However some of the highlights were noted in the pictures on the blog today.
Bev (Mom) and I got going quite early today. We had lots and lots of things to finish up today. So off we went caught the shuttle at just the right time. We caught up with Dr Ladd McNamara and asked a few questions. We also got to talk to the folks at the Healthy for Life booth as well. I also met some great people and we all were bouncing ideas off each other. What a pleasure to talk to like minded folks.
The general session this afternoon was so very very nice. Many fun speakers and the car contest winners. Usana gave away 6 cars this year. I did not get the BMW though so I guess I have to work a bit harder at it for next year.
The best part of the day was Bev performing a few duties. She drew the names for the convention survey raffle and then she danced the Two a Day dance with the Usana staff in the store. She also got a chance to see and talk to the keynote speaker Li from the Houston Ballet. What a day for all of us here in Salt Lake City. I hope that you all will come with us next year for more fun and frolic.
Usana International Convention 2007 August 22-25, 2007. See you there.!