What a week this has been. Nearly everyone that came to my office this week was in some kind of pain. Monday client bent over and tweaked the back, Tuesday client on vacation and the need to relax and unwind the neck, then another client with LB pain that was preventing the pre-season soccer play. Wednesday was another client with neck issues. Thursday repeat client with LB pain. Friday I had really no idea what what the day would hold. Repeat of the client on Monday, by the end of the day I had also worked with four more clients one of whom needed the work. Saturday morning I had no idea what was to be in the docket. First client arrived in pain, second client arrived in pain. Both different situations, still in pain.
That is what I love about my job. Sometimes I know what is coming and I can plan strategies to help, other times things just arrive and I have to fall back on experience to let me know what to do. I don't have an assistant to talk to a client before I see them. They just arrive.