Heather with Troy Brown
First things first. I have taken a leave of absence from the spa for the winter. I have now had about one month of Saturdays to myself. Last Saturday, I actually worked in my office all day. That was amazing and wonderful and tiring all at the same time. This week I was able to cook and go food shopping for the week. All of this without having to wait for a phone call. Don't get me wrong I love doing massage and all the services at the spa. However I really needed some time off to pursue a few other ideas that I normally would not have time for.
I am teaching at a local massage school in Sanford Maine. I was referred there by a friend and things have worked out actually and I am finding that I really like it. Something I can see myself doing as long as they will have me.
You may know that I love to read and can't seem to get enough books to read. I usually have about three books at a time. One in the car, one on the iPod, and one beside the bed for nighttime reading. I have found a fun Twitter poster called Flashlight Worthy. Book lists, all kinds, chick lit, book club lists. You name the list and well it is on this website. Go take a look and see if you find something that you like.
What else am I up to. Usually no good. Take care till the next post.
Banned substances and Professional Athletes.
I seriously think that David Ortiz and anyone else that is interested in taking supplements should read this. I understand the entire banned substance issue has come up recently. However if we don't ask they won't tell. You and only you are responsible for your health. You can't expect someone to take care of you. You have to do it for yourself. Nuff said.
The USANA Athlete Guarantee program currently guarantees that if the athlete should test positive for a banned substance as a result of taking USANA® nutritional products, USANA will compensate the athlete with up to two times his or her current annual earnings from the sport up to $1 million. The athletes shall order nutritional products that have been tested by a third party (NSF or HFL) to ensure the absence of banned substances.
Acceptance into the USANA Athlete Guarantee program is based upon the review and acceptance of an application at USANA’s discretion with certain agreement terms. The Athlete Guarantee is primarily for Olympic and professional athletes and is a separate agreement from our Athlete Sponsorship program.
Last reviewed/updated: 04/17/09
A Maine Golfer Competes on the National Stage!
Pardon me while I take some time away from my typical posts about massage. I am posting this letter from a golfer here in Maine that is headed to St. Louis to compete next week. I think that it is important to post this request here. If you wish to read more about Alexa you can read the letter below and here
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day.
Thank you for your consideration,
Alexa Rancourt
66 Walnut Street
South Portland, Maine 04106
cell: 207-838-7608
A very nice client letter
Thank you soooo much.You have amazing talent and skill. Truly the healing arts !
I love getting messages like that one. It reminds my of why I do what I do. I am truly here for the clients not even for myself. I am here for them.
Massage Therapist using Twitter
I have been using twitter for a few years now seems like I am now behind the eight ball because I have not used it that much. However I am now using it more than ever. I will use it to give information about massage openings in my schedule. Or other news in my office.
Want to follow me? twitter.com/hgheather
Hope to see you soon.
What great press!
25 Random things about me that you don't know.
1. have been a swimmer my whole life.
2. swam competitively till I was 25.
3. there are currently 4 generations in my family.
5. led trips through Maine.
6. am not from Maine,
7. have a pile of books that I am reading all at the same time.
8. love animation artwork.
9. I worked as a physical education teacher.
10. gave Joan Baez a massage.
11. know that there is a professional golfer that wants to pay me to massage them everyday.
12. my favorite drink of late is Fresca, vodka and cranberry juice.
13. have never eaten at the White Barn Inn, even though I work there.
14. am in a book group...
15. took a post-graduate year at Hebron Academy.
16.love the City of Boston
17. have a crush on Daniel Craig.
18. I don't run.
19.I have a love/hate relationship with the Concept II rowing machine.
20. rowed for one summer with Community Boating in Boston
21. saw Steven Tyler at a craft show at the World Trade Center in Boston
22. watched Andre Agassi play tennis before he won.
23. met Andrew Wyeth and his sons Jamie and Nicky.
24. my favorite movie is Love Actually.
25. want to meet Alan Rickman