Heather with Troy Brown


My energy

Good morning,

Yesterday was day two of my new oils from Young Living essential oils. I took a Compass Scan about one month ago at a great gathering of YLO people in Kennebunk and my oils came in on Wednesday. I have been using these oils for a long long time in my massage office and recently connected with a new group.

Day one was my Small Business Saturday, not very many people arrived to take advantage of what I had to offer though I am not sad. I have work to do to get more people involved in my work. That silly time away at Seacoast did not help. I got to the office and finished set up. I used the following oils: Ener-gee, and Lemongrass. I was able to be at the office all day w/o any fatigue. I even emptied an entire storage bin and spent most of my day in front of the shredder. Four bags of shredding later, I am here to tell the tale. I was not tired, not sore, not dreading going out after my day. I was just up for anything. This is not usually the case. By 4 in the afternoon I am usually ready for the day to be over. I also booked three massages for the next day without any fear that I would be too tired or too anything to complete them.

Day two-Up in the morning at the usual time and getting ready to go to my office to pick up the supplies for the massages. Again I dropped Ener-gee and Lemongrass. I can't tell you that I felt better till I reflected back today about my day. I didn't dread bringing my table up to the car, I didn't dread carrying my linens and all the rest of the stuff up to the car. This is an ongoing battle for me. I plan my day around trips to do things. Like get to the office first and get all that done, get the heavy work done and then do the rest of the work. Yesterday, well the table was no trouble, the rest of the linens were no trouble and I was off to three massages. The three massages went really well. I was ready to go for all the massages and was not tired at the end of the sessions. Hungry but not tired. I got home and was ready for dinner prep and all the rest of the night. I was not dreading preparing dinner or wanting to crawl into bed and sleep all night till the next morning.

I am pretty excited to find this happening to me. I am happy to have more energy and not as much fatigue from my massage work. I am sure that I absorb a lot from my clients even though I have pretty good boundaries with my work.

Here is a good link to some oil testimonials if you are interested click here.

Have a great day today for the first week of December.


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